andhapp Random ramblings


Rails3 pre has been out for a while and a beta version is due soon. A lot has changed in Rails3. The structure, the way the plugins(yes activerecord is sort of a plugin now) work. To cut to the chase, Rails3 is modularised and exposes much more of the framework to the developers. The first thing I have jumped into is the Rails Generators. A majority of the gems and plugins rely on the generators and this section has been totally revamped in Rails3. It basically extends Thor now, written by Yehuda Katz so you see the connection. It is quite extensive to start with but with time it gets easier. I have written generators for Haml Controller, and Clearance…so if you fancy you can have a look and see how it has been done. I was going to do an extensive post on the Rails3 generators but I guess there are lof of them out there already and are much better than what I can ever write.